On Friday 20th January the Nevill Crest and Gun played host to a large gathering of Rotarians and friends to witness Rotary’s District Governor, Paul Frostick, presenting Graham Bucksey with a framed Charter certificate upgrading the club from a satellite of Heathfield & Waldron R.C. to a fully chartered Rotary Club in Great Britain and Ireland. Former President of Rotary, Ray Jackson then presented Graham with his Chain of Office.

Fellow Rotarians, previous Presidents. club members and friends joined District Governor Paul Frostick and Ray Jackson in celebrating Crowborough’s Rotary Club gaining its Charter
President Graham Bucksey said how proud he was that the Club in Crowborough had come such a long way since he and Stephen Tester, a local businessman, decided to put Rotary back on the map in 2021. From small beginnings, Crowborough Rotary has grown rapidly and it has been extremely active in the community giving support to many different charitable organisations in the town. The club has raised well over £2000 in support of the Food Bank; Wealden Dementia Alliance as well as family charities and the Crowborough Women’s Refuge.
Crowborough Rotary members have helped at the monthly Community Café in the Oasis Centre and filled 163 shoeboxes to send to Ukrainian children taking refuge in Polish orphanages and those who are caught up in the fighting in their country. The club has also actively supported town events such as the carnival and fireworks at bonfire night collecting money for the mayor’s charities. The Rotary tombola and lucky dip stall have been a big attraction at the Crowborough Christmas Cracker Fair and other events.
The club has run a variety of very well supported events to help them raise money including a fashion show; golf competitions and a quiz night. Members of the public are always welcome to join in the fun and to help many in our community at the same time. For 2023 there is a busy calendar of events including a May fashion show and a golf event in June as well as an exciting classic car show later in the Summer. Do look out for posters in the town and information on the club’s website.
President Graham Bucksey says “We meet twice each month and we welcome both women and men to join our growing club. So, if you want to enjoy some good friendship and to help make a real difference to our neighbours in the area do get involved.